中秋喜樂 20/9/2013
中秋圓福 20/9/2013
「快樂」這個詞彙,概念完全是西方的:Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,新年快樂。快樂一詞一旦叫濫了,譬如「你Hap唔Happy」,即有一絲「越墮落越快樂」之現代惡俗。
外國朋友問,中秋節有何祝願?我短訊:Wishing you an everything-full-moon Mid-autumn Festival。我覺得這樣講,跟Happy New Year不同。世上需要多一點的不同,你跟我不同,東西方不同,中國大陸與香港該不同。你繼續你的Happy。我不想「統一」在這個英文形容詞之下,跟你Globalized。只要不太懶,做得到的。
安琪蓮娜帶仔女 抵港賞月 2013年9月20日
【機場→尖沙嘴】昨日是中秋佳節,人月兩團圓的日子,月前順利完成乳房組織切除手術的荷李活性感女星安琪蓮娜祖莉(Angelina Jolie),昨偕一對孖生子女秘密訪港賞月。據悉安琪蓮娜今次主要是洽談其執導電影《Unbroken》的拍攝工作,順道帶子女度假。美艷如昔的安琪蓮娜落機後拖實子女,還買了大袋優之良品零食,認真廿四孝!
曾來港拍攝電影《盜墓者羅拉:生命之匙》(Lara Croft Tomb Raider:The Cradle of Life)的安琪蓮娜,昨日秘密來港度中秋,她於下午6時許乘民航客機抵港,同行還有她與未婚夫畢彼特(Brad Pitt)所生的5歲孖生子女Vivienne及Knox,以及保鑣多人。有指安琪蓮娜新片《Unbroken》有意在港取景,今次是洽談其新片拍攝,順道帶子女來港度假,而身在英國拍攝電影《Fury》的畢彼特則未見同行。
停止戰區強姦和性暴力 由 安吉麗娜·朱莉 , 威廉·黑格12:44 AM |星期五,2013年9月20日
每一天,在敘利亞可怕的罪行賬戶達到外面的世界。 現在,聯合國已經證實,強姦婦女,男人和兒童的恐嚇和懲罰,在挨家挨戶搜查和盤問,檢查站,並在全國各地的拘留中心和監獄被用來。
最新悲慘的聯合國人權委員會調查報告描述了被強姦和強迫她的綁架,謀殺的威脅下,她的孩子洗衣做飯的母親。 它講述了一所大學的學生被強姦了,因為她的弟弟被政府通緝。 這些帳戶是冰山的一角。 恐懼,羞恥和純粹為生存而掙扎的意思是,許多倖存者不敢挺身而出。
性暴力被用來作為一種戰爭武器的幾乎每一個主要的衝突在我們的有生之年,從波斯尼亞到盧旺達。 這是強姦作為一種蓄意的軍事戰術,以達到政治目標:羞辱政敵,趕出去或征服一個不同的民族群體,社區或恐嚇就範。 它甚至在一些衝突中使用的婦女感染了艾滋病毒,或傷害他們如此糟糕,他們不能生育。
強姦是因為它很容易掩蓋,在最脆弱的人罷工。 當我們走訪了剛果民主共和國,我們遇到了一個母親,其5歲的女兒被侵犯。 那個女孩是太年輕了,使她的聲音,但她的痛苦,數百萬世界各地的其他受害者應該是一個呼籲採取行動。
世界已制定條約禁止在全球使用集束炸彈和地雷或壓低非法武器貿易。 所有這些協議曾一度被認為是不可能的。 他們一切都始於道德義憤,並導致全球性行動。 現在是時候做同樣的對戰區的強姦和性暴力。
我們去年開始我們的倡議,並感謝許多國家都回應的方式。在4月在倫敦,八國集團,包括我們自己的兩個國家,取得了歷史性的承諾來解決這個問題。在6月,聯合國安理會一致通過一項決議,對聯合國的能力大增。四十五個聯合國會員國表示支持,共同發起決議 - 在最近的歷史記錄。
下週是聯合國大會在紐約,在任何一年中最大的世界領導人聚會。在9月24日,新的“承諾宣言” ,以結束衝突中的性暴力“將被提出。它已經制定了與聯合國秘書長特別代表對性暴力,以及十幾個國家從中東,歐洲,非洲和亞洲的領導人勇敢同意這個原因,我們的冠軍。 “宣言”會給每一個國家在世界上它的立場在這個問題上表現的機會。
閱讀更多: http://opinion.inquirer.net/61509/stop-war-zone-rape-and-sexual-violence # ixzz2fOYcGnl1的
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Stop war zone rape and sexual violence
By Angelina Jolie, William Hague
12:44 am | Friday, September 20th, 2013
Each day, accounts of horrific crimes in Syria reach the outside world. Now the United Nations has confirmed that rape is being used to terrorize and punish women, men and children, during house searches and interrogations, at checkpoints, and in detention centers and prisons across the country.
The latest harrowing UN Commission of Inquiry report describes a mother being raped and forced to cook and clean for her captors, under the threat of the murder of her children. It tells the story of a university student who was raped because her brother was wanted by the government. These accounts are the tip of the iceberg. Fear, shame and the sheer struggle for survival mean that many survivors do not dare to come forward.
Sexual violence has been used as a weapon of war in nearly every major conflict in our lifetimes, from Bosnia to Rwanda. This is rape used as a deliberate military tactic, to achieve political objectives: to humiliate political opponents, to drive out or subjugate a different ethnic grouping, or to terrorize a community into submission. In some conflicts it is even used to infect women with HIV, or to injure them so badly that they are unable to bear children.
Rape is used because it is easily concealed and strikes at the most vulnerable people. When we visited the Democratic Republic of Congo we met a mother whose 5-year-old daughter had been violated. That girl is too young to make her voice heard, but her suffering and that of millions of other victims around the world should be a call to action.
The world has devised treaties to outlaw the global use of cluster munitions and land mines or to drive down the trade in illegal weapons. All of these agreements were once considered impossible. They all began with moral outrage and led to global action. It is time to do the same against war zone rape and sexual violence.
The crux of the problem is an ingrained culture of impunity, where for tens of thousands of rapes in any one country there have only been a handful of prosecutions. The men raping prisoners in a detention center in Syria think that they will get away with it because that is what history suggests. Another acute factor is the lack of long-term support for survivors, who face a lifetime of rejection, illness and trauma on top of their suffering at the hands of their abusers.
We have come together to campaign on this issue because we have both seen the way sexual violence devastates the lives of survivors and their families. We want to raise awareness of the urgent need for action. And we are calling for governments of the world to unite to eradicate war zone rape as a vital priority.
We started our initiative last year, and are grateful for the way many countries have responded to it. In April in London, the G8, including our own two countries, made a historic commitment to address this issue. In June, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution bolstering the UN’s capabilities. Forty-five members of the UN showed their support by cosponsoring the resolution—a record in recent history.
Next week is the UN General Assembly in New York, the largest gathering of world leaders in any one year. During it, on Sept. 24, a new “Declaration of commitment to end sexual violence in conflict” will be presented. It has been drawn up with the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on Sexual Violence, and a dozen countries from the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Asia whose leaders have courageously agreed to champion this cause with us. The Declaration will give every country in the world an opportunity to show where it stands on this issue.
The countries endorsing it will agree, for the first time, that serious sexual violence in conflict constitutes grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and their first Protocol. This will mean that suspects can be apprehended wherever they are in the world.
It contains a pledge not to allow amnesties for sexual violence in peace agreements, so that these crimes can no longer be swept under the carpet and military leaders learn that there will be accountability.
The Declaration promises a new International Protocol by the middle of 2014: to help ensure that evidence produced can stand up in court and more survivors can see justice, and to place the safety and dignity of victims at the heart of investigations into rape and other sexual crimes in conflict zones.
It includes provisions on women’s participation, the protection of refugees, and training for national armed forces and police. And its signatories will promise to put protection from sexual violence at the forefront of all their conflict and humanitarian work, and to help strengthen the capacity of countries most at risk of this violence.
We believe these are all steps that every member of the international community should be able to support. So we hope that a majority of the world’s governments will sign up to this pact, and that together we can work to put these commitments into practice. If we can, it could mark a turning point in international attitudes to rape and sexual violence, and finally, the beginning of an end to impunity.
There are many other injustices which the world must confront. But the rape and abuse of hundreds of thousands of women, men and children can no longer be tolerated. We hope people around the world will join us to take this stand.
William Hague is the British foreign secretary. Angelina Jolie is a special envoy of the United Nations High Commission on Refugees.
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